ABREY CUP – NEW CUT – Sunday 19th July 2020

21 members assembled at the New Cut section of the Medway to fish for the Abrey Cup for the men and the Tibbets Ladies Cup. Due to illness two of our stalwarts Anita and Lisa were unable to fish this year and the ladies cup was not contested, which is sad as the ladies have for many years shown their male counterparts that they are just as good and if not better in many cases at this match fishing malarkey and also just as quick with the banter. Our thoughts are with them and their family.

Honours on the day went to occasional match man and club chairman Austin Battell who stormed the match with a net of quality Roach and some very impressive Bream for 21lb 13oz. Peter Groombridge held second position with 12lb 10oz of quality Roach and some smaller Bream and Trevor Oldfield at last found his form to put 6lb 3oz of Roach and Bream on the scales for third place. Many of the other anglers found solace with the mixed silvers that were eager to please in some swims but a fair few struggled to attract even a bite.

It would be nice to welcome any of the ladies in the club to come along and join in our matches, especially the Tibbets Ladies Cup. Although many of our regular match anglers may look a bit threadbare and rugged around the edges they are actually very friendly and generally a nice bunch and it was even rumoured that many of them deliberately “held back” on the day so that our Chairman could be victorious. What a lovely bunch !!!


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