The club recently had some oxygen issues on the Old Ballast Pit. The already low water level and dying back lilies and algae blooms meant we were at a high risk of having major problems. As we were carrying out regular water checks, we noticed the ammonia levels had crept up a bit and the oxygen levels had dropped. With the help of the Environment Agency, we were able to put in place the equipment required to minimise fish loss. The pumps and aerators were run for around a week until the problem had passed.
Barden Lake had a similar issue and equipment was installed to minimise potential problems. Both lakes faired reasonably well in regards to fish loss, as the Ballast Pit lost a dozen fish which included Tench, Bream and Carp while Barden lost 3 of its known big fish which was more than likely due to their age.
The club will continue with it’s stocking plan for Barden Lake with around 20 fish to the 20lb mark expected to be stocked this coming winter.


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