NEW YEARS MATCH – Sportsground – 18 fished

Last Sunday was again a very challenging day with bites hard to come by on most of the Sportsground. The most productive area seemed to be from the boatyard up to the allotment on the back of Barden Road. Tony Crossley drew the Golden Peg and with the way he has been fishing this season, he was deemed to have a very good chance of taking the pot. Unfortunately for Tony, it wasn’t to be and Sid Lancley to the honours for 1st place with 3lb 15oz, second place went to Ray Allen with 3lb 7oz and third spot went to tactic changing Match Captain, Martyn Hill who weighed in 2lb 4oz. It was predominantly Roach which made up the weights with the odd small skimmer but Lee Wakeman was fortunate enough to take fish of the day with a 1lb 12oz Chub. Ken Watson had the best Roach which went 11oz. A good turnout considering the conditions and all weights will go towards the overall Match Championship.


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